Full Body Healing Massage and Reiki

Why I Am Closing

July 8, 2024 – Thank you for considering Sacred Caim for your healing services. Yet here you are, finding out too late that I’m closing my business. Please don’t misunderstand, my closure isn’t complete. It’s also not due to what you might think.

I am not closing my business because of the government. I love Canada. I also love Justin Trudeau as much as anyone can appreciate any politician in his position and circumstance. I think my country is the best country, and I have no intention of living anywhere else. I have thrived under the care of my gov’t and I hope to continue to do so. I know of no gov’t that is free of blame or criticisms, or that wasn’t built on the backs of the underappreciated, underprivileged or under-represented. Canada is no different. I love it just the same.

I am not closing my business because of inflation. Times are hard but it’s always been that way. Sure, costs go up and prices do too. But current times in 2024 are no worse than any other, except that the social status gap has grown – and we let it. That’s not why I’m closing my doors though. While prices go up and down, it’s up to individual business owners to maintain a standard of what they offer or provide. It’s true, I can’t do that anymore. But it’s not because prices went up. I have experienced immense success in this business, and I’ve been so proud of what I accomplished. I was able to offer affordable healing services that other people struggled to provide. I stuck to my guns and kept it up no matter what. I only wish I could continue that.

I am not closing my business because of where my business is located, who I partner with, or any other professional contacts I’m currently associated with. I have been partnered with Errant Empire for three years now, and I have never appreciated a business as much as I appreciate David and his family and workplace. My location was top notch, with several buses coming to and from the site. I called the parking out front ‘rock star parking’ because we never saw anyone get towed or even get a ticket. Room rental fees were reasonable, and supplies were always readily available for me if I needed them. Having such a great resource as David himself available when clients needed more than what I could offer has been amazing. The other practitioners I met along the way in the last three years were all incredible, and I happily referred my clients to them whenever I could.

Life wants something else from me, I think. I have no idea what it is. And honestly, my heart is a bit shattered at having to take this course of action. But how can I tell my clients and peers to follow what Spirit and the Universe are telling them to do, when I don’t do the same thing?

I am still reeling after an unexpected divorce that left me financially destitute several years ago. I boldly went into healing regardless, and like I said, I saw success there. But it wasn’t enough financially, and I maintained an online job to help me support my healing biz. However, recently that job collapsed beneath me. The Universe wants me to have some sort of clean slate, I suppose. I also lost someone who was a father figure to me, who supported my dreams and my life. With him gone, I’m at a loss as to who I am and what I am doing. I know I’m finding the path, I know I’ll come out the other side. How many times have I said this same thing to those laying on my table in tears? We always come out the other side, but when we’re in the trenches, it’s so very hard to see that other side. I know it’s there. I just need to keep moving, keep swimming, and keep on keeping on. That movement looks differently now though, and I can’t support my healing business. I don’t have the resources.

When I say success in business, I’m not talking financially. I recently did 14 clients in three days. To me, that’s what success looks like. To me, success meant having lots of clients, having lots of respect, and having lots to do. Success meant doing what I love and doing it well. I have loved being able to do that! My schedule matched my life and my needs, and it has been great. That’s success, to me. Success meant coming to work and knowing it was my happy place. I never wanted a vacation from work, because work was awesome. I loved my clients through their tears, their troubles and through seeing them to the other side of whatever they were going through. That was my work, and having lots of it meant success to me.

In the six years of this particular business, I have not had financial freedom or success as others think of it. I made money in other ways to support this business. The other jobs I did but hated doing paid for me to go to work as a healer. I can’t afford that anymore. It’s not because of the Canadian government, and it’s not because of inflation, and it’s not because of any changes at my place of healing. It’s because my life circumstances have changed to such a degree that I can’t offer what I want to offer anymore.

I never turned anyone away because of money. I will never do that. If someone finds me and needs me, I will always be there, no matter who they are. However, I can no longer afford to support this business.

I’m going to be around. I can juggle appointments so that full price clients’ fees can cover a room rental once or twice a month; then I will organize things so that other sliding scale clients can be scheduled on the same day. But that is the most that I can do. I might offer classes, though as yet, I’m uncertain. I love teaching but there is a cost to teaching a class, and I’m not fond of charging lots of money for teaching people how to help themselves and others.

Clearly, the Universe and Spirit have things to teach me. Maybe someday soon I’ll learn some new things and make another go of it. I’ve had to stop before and still came back. But for now, this is my life, and this is why I am closing my business.

Thank you so much, so very very much, for your patronage and understanding.

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